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Author: John Pan
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Background Information on Synthetic and Natural Vitamins

With varying expert comments on the advantages as well as disadvantages of natural and synthetic vitamins, you must be at a complete loss about the benefits of both types.

So, let us deal with a few essential things about synthetic and natural vitamins in this article.

Is it good to have Synthetic Vitamins?

I presume that this is the most important question that is troubling you most. There can be a few problems associated with the usage of synthetic vitamins.

To state simply, human beings are used to consuming foods from nature for millions of years.

Most of the synthetic vitamins manufactured in laboratories do not incorporate materials available naturally in their production.

These are usually chemical compounds and cannot be found in nature. As these compounds fail to get recognized by your body, it tends to protest in the form of unanticipated reactions.

Your body understands this difference and may prefer to have the real one that is, natural vitamins, instead of the synthetic variety.

The Nutri Con Campaign of OCA aims at exposing these issues in order to allow the consumers make a better choice. According to OCA, synthetic vitamins are not completely useless.

According to them, these synthetic vitamins can be used in cases of medical emergencies but in a few cases, they may be unnecessary and even unhealthy when compared with the naturally occurring vitamin chiefly located in animal and plant resources.

Ways to determine if a particular vitamin is synthetic or natural

Supplement or vitamin product labels tend to make use of words or phrases like “Organic”, “Food Source”, “Food Base”, or “All Natural”, even if they are making use of a food mixture that are fortified with the synthetic vitamins.

A number of products make use of synthetic vitamin although their label points out on the contrary. You can have a look at the product’s RDA in order to determine if it contains natural or synthetic vitamins.

If you see that its potency is higher compared to things that are readily available in nature, be assured of the fact that the particular product is making use of synthetic vitamins.

Some synthetic ingredients can be better or worse

Vitamins are classified into two main categories depending upon its solubility. A few vitamins are water-soluble and can be flushed of body very easily.

Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K fall under the category of fat-soluble vitamins.

These vitamins build up the fat tissues of your body. This storage capacity adds up to the toxicity in case higher doses of synthetic vitamins have been administered.

The effect is more in case synthetic vitamins have been taken in place of the natural ones as the body is well acquainted with the natural vitamins and is aware of the ways to get them metabolized.

It is better to make use of the natural variant of fat-soluble vitamins rather than make use of its available supplements.


Although there are a few factors that benefit the users of synthetic vitamins like its purity as they are being manufactured in licensed laboratories as well as the ability to control dosage, there are also a number of factors that transforms this usage into a disadvantage.

Furthermore, it also makes you feel like a patient when you have to take in pills regularly. It is thus advisable to draw out vitamins of a balanced diet rather than make use of vitamin supplements available in the market.


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