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Author: John Pan
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ABC of Vitamin deficiency

Most of you tend to pop in vitamin, mineral and nutrient supplements inadvertently without thinking of it even twice.

However, most of you are not even sure of the fact as to why you are taking these pills, or how this intake of pills benefits your body.

Vitamins can be defined as organic substances that function as catalyst in metabolic activities of the human body.

Metabolism can be defined as a series of reactions, performing a number of functions like transforming carbohydrate and fat contents into energy and making use of protein in order to mend tissue.

Let us now have a look on the vitamins, the foods that contain them, and last but not the least, what may be caused due to its deficiency.

Retinol (Vitamin A):

Vitamin A can be found in food products like butter, vegetables, whole milk, and eggs. Deficiency of Vitamin A can cause dryness of skin and night blindness.

Thiamine (Vitamin B1):

Vitamin B1 can be found in products like fruits, cereals, whole grain, fish, and nuts. Alcohol abuse may lead to Vitamin B1 deficiencies.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2):

Food products like milk, vegetables, and eggs contain Vitamin B2.Deficiency of vitamin B2 may cause ailments like poor eyesight, cracked lip, and ulcers, especially in the mouth.

Nicotinic acid or Niacin (Vitamin B3):

Foods like whole grains, fish, meat, cereals, and vegetables are rich in Vitamin B3. Deficiency of Vitamin B3 can lead to diarrhea, sores in mouth, weight loss, rough skin patches, burning sensations in the tongue and general weakness.

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6):

Intake of foods like meat and vegetables is helpful in maintaining an optimum level of Vitamin B6. Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to ailments like dizziness, depression, nausea, and sores, essentially prevalent in the mouth.

Cyanocobalamine (Vitamin B12):

This vitamin is usually available in products like milk, fish, and meat. Vegetarians are advised to get supplements of this Vitamin, as deficiency of this vitamin can lead to numbness, weakness, shortness of breath and tingling sensations.

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C):

Fresh vegetables as well as citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C. Although Vitamin C deficiency is very uncommon, the symptoms appear in the form of swollenness, bleeding or infected gums.

Calciferol (Vitamin D)

Egg yolks, fish, and sunrays are chief sources of Vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to ailments like a deformed spine or bowed legs.

Vitamin E

Foods like whole grain, vegetables, fruits, and cereals are rich in Vitamin E. Deficiency of this vitamin are also very uncommon.

Folic acid

Pregnant women and those taking in anticonvulsant drugs may need supplements for this vitamin. Foods like whole wheat, nut, liver and vegetables provide an optimum level of this type of vitamin.

Folic acid deficiencies may cause numbness, tingling feeling prevalent in toes and fingers, sore tongue, ulcer in mouth, and a general feeling of weakness.

Vitamin K:

This kind of vitamin is more commonly found in the different varieties of available vegetables. Deficiency of Vitamin K can cause bleeding.

Pantothenic Acid

Liver, eggs, and potatoes are rich in Pantothenic acid. A lower level of this acid is manifested in symptoms like headache, fatigues, and (eventually) loss of coordination.


Vitamins in some form or the other are available in all food products. In order to have a healthy balanced diet rich in essential vitamins, it is advisable to include all varieties of food in your dietary pattern.



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