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Author: Gloria V. Pan
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Vitamins-A Necessity in the Modern World

Role of Vitamins in the Prevention of Diseases

There is a lot of research going on all around the world regarding vitamins. One can also say that the vitamin supplement industry is growing because of the increasing number of diseases that people are suffering from nowadays, not to mention the amount of stress that is present in the life of the modern men.

While there is certain proof about what vitamins can and cannot do, one should treat them with proper scepticism because some claims are just based on assumptions and myths.

Vitamins and Different Diseases

Vitamins help in the prevention of diseases in two ways. Firstly, they prevent the symptoms caused by the lack of a vitamin. Secondly, they help through the benefits that one can have by taking a particular vitamin.

* Vitamin A

Vitamin A prevents problems related to vision. It also plays important part in cell differentiation, reproduction, bone growth and cell division.

It has a partial role to play in maintaining the immunity of the body against harmful infections.

Vitamin A takes care of the skin integrity and the surface linings of the eye and the intestinal, respiratory and urinary tracts.

* Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B2 plays a role in reducing migraines. Vitamin B6 helps in the prevention of pre-menstrual syndrome if taken in the dosage of 50-100 mg.

Vitamin B9 are good for pregnant women.

It can also be taken before conception because it lessens the risk of infants of having defects in brain, spinal cord and skull.

There is somewhat mixed evidence regarding the role played by Vitamin B9 in the case of heart diseases.

While some evidences are in the favour of saying that Vitamin B9 reduces the risk of stroke, certain evidences suggest otherwise.

Vitamin B12 helps in the prevention of pernicious anaemia which is a disease caused by the deficiency in the absorption of Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 also plays a role in prevention of treatment of diabetic diseases.

There is exceeding amount of evidence to point out that Vitamin B12 may be related to Alzheimer’s disease. 

Studies suggest that deficiency in Vitamin B12 may be linked with increased risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.

It has been found that risk for Alzheimer’s disease decreased by 2% for every unit increase in blood concentration of Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 becomes hazardously low with age, and thus acts a significant reason in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

However, this proposition requires a lot of research. Vitamins may also help in lowering the risks of colon cancer and breast cancer.

* Vitamin C

There exactly isn’t any evidence that Vitamin helps in prevention of cold though it may work to reduce the severity and length to some extent.

* Vitamin D

Results of research (2009) have shown that Vitamin D may prevent the disease of multiple sclerosis. Lack of Vitamin D may influence the development of bones which may lead to a condition called rickets.

Research at Oxford University has shown that Vitamin D interacts with our DNA and thus influences the proteins that are made from the genetic code.

A number of genetic diseases are caused by it like MS, Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus (or 'lupus') and rheumatoid arthritis, and also cancers such as chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and colorectal cancer.

* Vitamin E

Vitamin E may have some role to play in preventing heart diseases, cancer and problems related to vision. However, there isn’t much of evidence to suggest these connections.


There are different types of vitamins having different functions to play. But one should always be careful to take vitamins in proper dosage and under proper observation of doctors.


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