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Author: Tin Pan
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It is unbelievable how inventive women can be when we are talking about losing weight, diets and wonder menus.

In spite the fact that all the experiences have proven until now that the longest road is also the safest one and that only a balanced diet and practicing sport represents the solution for a thin body, women still feel owed to find continuously new shortcuts.

The new trend
, launched wherever if not in the United States, began from a beauty editor, Autumn Whitefield Madrano, at the age of 36 years, so obsessed of her image, that have decided to make an experiment for a month and to stop looking in the mirror or in the shops mirrors or any other reflective surfaces.

The only concession that she had made was in the favor of a very small mirror that she used for makeup.

Of course, at the beginning of the experiment, Autumn felt more anxious than usually and she was obsesses by questions like “how do I look?” especially when she was going out with her friends or other acquaintances.

Quite difficult was also to go out for shopping
and she even attended a wedding when she was on the mirror fast experiment. Still, she claimed that at the gym, while doing the exercises without looking into a mirror, stressed of how she looked, she felt better and released.

After this month when she resisted as a heroine in front of the temptation of admiring her reflections, Autumn declared:

"What I didn’t realize until I was unburdened from some of my self-imposed (and likely invented) expectations was exactly how much of my energy was going into
 appearing. Appearing to be interested, appearing to be womanly, and appearing to be a professional lady, appearing to be pretty. No wonder I'm exhausted." 

After this success, Autumn gave the "recipe" to the others and scheduled such a cure annually.

For contradicting the idea that avoiding mirrors helps at making peace with the self-image and at increasing the capital of self-esteem, the psychologist Philippa Diedrichs believes that this form of therapy is just another way of giving more far the obsession for our own image.

"When we work with people that has problems in accepting their own body, we encourage the technique of exposing the patient in the mirror because this make them to make peace with their image and to be less critics with their own person"
, declared she.

Anyways, one thing is true: we criticize too much ourselves and, if we avoid in watching obsessively our fat spots, we earn that patience so necessary for keeping up with our diet and sport program.


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