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Author: Steve Smakin
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EDWARD-DIWHEEL: A Vehicle With Zero Pollution

Do you want to enjoy a ride in a vehicle like roller coaster with zero pollution? We really want something for the ecological stability for our future.

Such a wonderful thing has been designed and manufactured by a group of Mechanical Engineering scholars from the University of Adelaide in Australia. They have been researching since 2009, and finally it seems that the project is about to be completed.

The name of the vehicle is EDWARD, which stands for Electric Diwheel With Active Rotation Damping. It somewhat looks like something from the world of science fiction.

Earlier, many such di-wheels were built which were either manually operated or were driven by IC engines, but EDWARD is purely electrically operated.

The idea is almost like a monowheel. However, instead of a single wheel, it has two wheels. Therefore, ‘mono’ is replaced by ‘di’. A rider’s seat is placed in between the two large wheels, which are coaxially aligned. The inner frame is actually placed between the wheels where we find the driver’s seat.

Sometimes, riders of this type of vehicles are prone to be in an unbalanced position and move to and fro due to a garbling effect during the application of acceleration and sudden braking.

Owing to its “in-built stability and slosh control” technology, movement in different directions is possible keeping the rider’s seat fixed in its position.

This controller can be switched on and off as needed. EDWARD has an improved level of stability and controllability with a maximum speed of 25 mph.

There is an embedded control system in the diwheel, which sets the seat in a suitable level after every movement.

We are all used to upright riding. However, how will it be like to enjoy a ride upside down? EDWARD will allow us to experience such a unique and adventurous ride with its highly advanced inversion and combined swing-up controller.

It has also some additional features, which were missing in its predecessors. A five point racing harness ensures the rider’s safety from falling.

It can also be operated by a joystick or with a touch screen control panel. EDWARD is based on a modern drive-by-wire technology and control system which resists the inner frame to rotate while the vehicle is moving. This was a disadvantage in the previous di-wheels.

At present, in the initial stage of research, EDWARD seems to be a little funny but the basic idea and design behind it is extremely sophisticated.

Although it is only like a ride at the amusement parks right now, it can be an eco-friendly vehicle in the near future. Therefore, a bit of modification of EDWARD can gift the world a safe, useful and pollution free mode of transportation.


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