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Author: Julia Alberts
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Social Networking Tips and Tricks

Today, social networking profiles and sites are among the most exact images of a person's personality, achievements, social status and overall life success.

It's not the most important thing in the world to have as many friends on Facebook or followers on Twitter as you can, but it can certainly open many doors- maybe you can get a job you want, get into a more prestigious school or overall achieve something you want.

What does success on social networking sites mean? It certainly does you good – if you are extremely popular on a social networking site it presents you in a very good light and it can take you many places.

Maybe in a certain amount of time you could be able to make a brand out of your own name, which is the main goal of any marketing business. How to achieve such success? Here are some useful tips and  tricks.

* Share photos. Let people visually experience your life day by day. There is no better way of expressing yourself online than to share photos. Just be careful of tagging.

You don't want your business colleagues and bosses to view wild pictures of you from a party last weekend that someone has tagged you on. Of course, you personally should never post this kind of photos if you are trying to maintain some kind of a professional reputation.

* With the massive expansion of social networking sites, you now have time to keep in touch with people you never had time to even contact or speak to once in a while. Try to contact as many people as possible, and also try to make new friendships online.

People like when someone is interested in them, but don't be too pesky. Give them a little bit of your time every once in a while and you can maintain hundreds of friendships at the same time, which was never possible before social networking sites.

* Many social networking sites have Events as a promotional feature. With this feature, you can always know what are the big events in your city or country.

If you are an event host, social networking brings you unlimited possibilities for advertising and can spread the word about your event.

Forget about the past, handing out and posting flyers, the digital era allows you to reach thousands, even millions of people within minutes.

* Be receptive and civil to everyone. Avoid cursing, starting and especially involving in any kind of online conflict.

If you are rude and thoughtless to others, then it is simple to be treated the same. The Internet is full of malicious people as it is and social networking sites don't need any hostility than there already is. Being vulgar and improper online is a big sign of  a lack of professionalism.

* Spread positive energy. Everyone likes when someone is happy most of the time, positive and optimistic. This is not only a piece of advice for your online life, but also real life. Post uplifting messages, pictures or videos.

The only thing people want to do when they get back from work and they're online is to stay away from negativity and stress.

You certainly won't be very popular on social networking sites if all you do is post grumpy and neurotic messages of how stressed out or sad were you today.

* Don't be one of those annoying people that everybody is avoiding on social networking sites. Recent studies and surveys showed that people think most annoying things about social networking sites are: complainers, spammers, sellers and proud girlfriends.

Spammers include people who send invitations to games, applications and groups every few seconds to thousands of people.

Although these people can be successful businessman, well-known notables or any kind of prestigious people, with this kind of behaviour their online reputation is totally ruined, and they are representing themselves in a very bad light.

Proud girlfriends are females who are so happy with their relationships that they let the whole world know and fill up the news feed with their portrayals of every happy pairs date and event, including those which lasted 1-5 seconds.

* The previous paragraph showed that you shouldn't be too open about your private life and share every detail with online friends who you know or do not know, but also you shouldn't be too reserved either.

Social networking is all about socializing as if you weren't on the Internet, but casually hanging out with friends. Express yourself, just do not exaggerate too much.

You should never forget that the purpose of these sites is to have fun. The main advice is to be natural and to be yourself and if you are good in communicating with people in real life, you should not have a problem with social networking sites either.


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